Meet the Team
The Staff at Robert Sandilands Primary School and Nursery
Under the leadership of our Headteacher, Libby Bucknell, our staff are organised into 5 broad teams. We work together to provide the best possible education for all children and endeavour to develop the unique qualities of every child.
Early Year Foundation Stage
Eva Franks - Nursery Teacher
Sarah Welch - Nursery L3 Teaching Assistant
Emily Buckmaster - Nursery Teaching Assistant
Heidi Skidmore - Reception Teacher (Wed-Fri)
Jane Jowett - Reception Teacher (Mon & Tues)
Tracy Dykes - Reception L3 Teaching Assistant and Lunchtime Controller
Lee Wells - Reception Teaching Assistant and Lunchtime Controller
Key Stage One
Siobhain Povey - Year 1 Teacher & Phonics and Oracy Lead (Mon-Wed)
Jen Creasey - Year 1 Teacher (Thurs & Fri)
Naomi Smyth - Year 1 Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Controller Supervisor
Theresa Welch - Year 1 Teaching Assistant
Katie Pullen - Year 2 Teacher & Science Lead (DDSL)
Rachel Hawkins* - Year 2 Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime Controller
Key Stage Two - Lower Juniors
Jen Lacey - Year 3 Teacher & Maths Lead (Mon-Wed)
Fiona Coulam - Year 3 Teacher (Wed-Fri)
Debbie Boswell -Year 3 Teaching Assistant & ELSA
Eve Burke - Year 4 Teacher & PE Co-ordinator
Ali Ward* - Year 4 Teaching Assistant
Key Stage Two - Upper Juniors
Helen Lewis - Year 5 Teacher, Assistant Headteacher (KS1/EYFS) & Reading Lead
Sophie Minney - Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Caroline Thompson - Year 6 Teacher, Assistant Headteacher (KS2) & Writing Lead
Karrie Day - Year 6 Teaching Assistant
Sheila Green - UJ Teaching Assistant and Draw & Talk
Other Teachers
Alison Blake - SENCO (DDSL)
Michelle Fenner - PPA Teacher
Tracie Knight - KS2 HLTA and Art
Sarah Alderson - EY/KS1 HLTA and ELSA
Other Staff
Catherine Bracey - Secretary (Mon-Wed)
Luisa Rayner - Secretary (Thurs & Fri)
Laura Smallwood - Finance and Admin Officer
Ruth Jones - School Business Manager
Natasha Russell - Pastoral Support Manager (DDSL)
Scott Stevens - Caretaker
Jo Major* - Cleaner
Emma Rouse - Lunchtime Controller and Cleaner
Ewa Parkitny - Lunchtime Controller
Kelly Paynter - Lunchtime Controller
Tracey Groves - Lunchtime Controller
Taryn Flynn - Lunchtime Controller
The school also welcomes:
Lawrence Gillard - Sports Coach
Sports Partnership Staff to teach aspects of PE
Music Teachers from Berkshire Music Trust
Student Teachers from Oxford Brookes University and Reading University
Associate Teachers from the Downland Alliance
Volunteers from the community
Members of our school team* also run Pegasus, our school wrap-around care.