School Performance
Performance Information
There are many ways in which people make judgements about how well a school is performing. Please see the related links below for Ofsted, Parent View, Data Dashboards and Performance Data table details. There are further tables showing the latest academic data.
We were last visited by Ofsted in November 2019, where the school achieved a GOOD grading. Please click here to view our latest Ofsted Report from their website. The school's page on the OFSTED website can be viewed here.
We have a School Development Plan (SDP) and Self Evaluation Form (SEF) which detail how we have used the OFSTED report to move forward.
Please access the Parent View Questionnaire by clicking here.
Further Performance Table Data is available by clicking clicking here.
Attainment and Progress Data
The 2023/4 data is provisional data. The data includes local authority and national comparison information.
The other documents contain the school's data for the previous few years.