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Robert Sandilands Primary School and Nursery

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Robert Sandilands Primary School is fortunate to have a Nursery Class, which is open every morning from 09.00 until 12.00. 

Our Nursery caters for children from the short term after their third birthday.  It offers a safe, stimulating and child-led environment where learning evolves through play, as well as through interactions with other children and adults.

As the year progresses, the Nursery children are invited to stay to our Nursery Lunch Club.  This has a set number of spaces and runs on certain days from 12.00 until 13.00 for a small charge.  More information can be sought from the school office.

The Nursery Class is part of our Early Years Foundations Stage Unit. 

If you would like visit our Nursery, please call the school office on 01635 40318.  Please note that calls to the school office may be recorded.  If you would like to register your child for a Nursery place (F1), please click here to access the form.
