Friends of Robert Sandilands (FORS)
Friends of Robert Sandilands (FORS) is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for our school, formed in March 2003. We are a registered charity providing financial help for the school by arranging social events and opportunities for the children to try new things.
All Robert Sandilands parents, staff and governors are automatically members of FORS. Each academic year a committee is elected by the members who attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held each September.
Committee planning meetings are then usually held once a half term from 7:00pm at school. All parents are very welcome to attend these meetings.
We always appreciate your ideas and anything you can offer FORS as we are always looking for fresh inspiration.
We provide information regularly via the school’s weekly newsletter and through the school message system, as well as the notice board in the infant playground, which will keep you updated on our activities and meeting dates.
The best way to contact FORS is to send an email to:
Our Committee
Clare Goodsell - Chairperson
Emily Buckmaster
Jo Cox
Mrs Franks - School representative
Fundraising Events
Each year we hold regular events to raise funds, have family fun and help to build the school community!
Some of our annual activities include:
- Autumn Disco
- Christmas Event
- Spring Disco
- Cake Sales and Uniform Sales
- Easter Event
- Summer Party
We are always looking for fresh ideas so why not make a suggestion to us for an event?
Every event and every penny raised is thanks to the hard work and commitment of the parents, guardians, staff and students involved with FORS.
As a member, YOU can have a say on how these funds are spent. Every member gets a vote on each request made for funding during our meetings.
West Berkshire Lottery
FORS have joined the new West Berkshire Lottery.
From every £1 sold, 50p goes directly to the chosen cause and another 10p is put into a community fund. This fund will allow one-off grants to be made to the lottery causes in addition to their direct fundraising and will be awarded by an independent panel on behalf of West Berkshire Council.
The weekly draws take place every Saturday with players able to win a jackpot of up to £25,000 for a matching sequence of six numbers. Other prizes are £2,000, £250, £25 or three free tickets.
Go to to find out more and buy tickets.