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Robert Sandilands Primary School and Nursery

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Residential Trip

School Trips

During a child's time at Robert Sandilands, they have the opportunity to go on school trips. A few examples of the trips they will go on are:

  • Windsor Castle
  • Milestone Museum
  • Beale Park
  • Hampton Court Palace
  • Warnor Bros Studios
  • Oxenwood
  • Rushall Farm
  • Ashmolean Museum
  • Englefield 

We also have had Farms2Ewe visit the school.

School Journey

During the summer term our year six class have the opportunity to go on a school residential trip. This gives the children a chance to build their confidence and have new experiences. It is often the first time our children have been away from home on their own and it can give them some independence. 

The trip is beneficial to our children, both educationally and socially and we have seen many children flourish during the experience.


In recent years we've visited the Isle of Wight and here are a few examples of what is on the itinerary:

  • Alum Bay with Boat Cruise
  • Carisbrooke Castle
  • Aqua Park
  • Surfing
  • Tree Climbing
  • Blackgang Chime
  • Osbourne House
  • Dinosaur Isle


 We like to give our parents as much notice as possible to plan for the residential trip and we offer payment plans to spread the cost.

Our 2024/2025 year six class are going to the Isle of Wight on 2nd June - 6th June 2025

Our 2025/2026 year six class are going to the Isle of Wight on 18th May - 22nd May 2026