School Meals
The children have a choice to have a school meal or to bring a healthy packed lunch to school.
School meals are provided by the family run company, Dolce. Dolce want you to know everything there is to know about their menus and provide an online ordering system, so that you can choose at home with your child or on the way to school via your phone. You will have access to all their recipes, ingredients listings, nutritional breakdown, allergen and dietary information and even a diabetic feature showing the carb count of each dish at a glance. All meals are freshly prepared on site. For more information about Dolce, please refer to their website.
In order for your child to have a school meal, whether free school meal, paid school meal or Universal Infant Free School Meal, you will need to set up a SchoolGrid account. If you have provided the school with a current email address, you should automatically receive an email from SchoolGrid with all your necessary login details. If you have not received the email, or do not have a SchoolGrid account, please contact the school office.
To make the most of seasonal products, menus change each term. To access your child’s menu, log in to SchoolGrid, our online pre-order/payment system, by clicking the link below.
You can order up to 9.30am on any given day, or as far in advance as a whole term. Orders can be placed on a pc, laptop, tablet or smartphone. We encourage all parents to order with their children and not for their children. Children are also able to order in the morning via the classroom computer. Please note that any orders made at home are final and cannot be changed in the classroom.
For children in KS2 (Years 3-6), each meal costs £2.75 and must be paid for in advance or on the day.
For your convenience, Dolce offer several payment methods: either sign up to Direct Debit or pay by Credit/Debit Card. We cannot accept cash. Setting up a Direct Debit couldn’t be easier. Just log in to SchoolGrid, head to the ‘Account’ section, select ‘Direct Debit’ and enter the details required. The payment amount isn’t set, you will only ever pay for the meals your child has taken. Select the payment date that suits you and Dolce will keep you informed with monthly statements to show which meals were chosen, the amount due and remind you when the money will be collected – simple!
Some children in all year groups may be entitled to Free School Meals via the Pupil Premium Grant. Parents/Carers should contact the School Office for guidance on how to check eligibility, or use the link below.
Children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals.