From Reception Class to Year Six, children at Robert Sandilands are expected to wear a uniform, with sensible footwear. We believe it fosters a sense of pride and sets a standard of suitable dress. Make-up is not permitted and the wearing of jewellery is strongly discouraged.
Our Uniform Includes:
- Stiff collared white shirt, white fitted blouse or white polo shirt.
- Navy blue and amber striped tie if wearing a stiff collared shirt
- Navy blue V-necked jumper or cardigan (preferably with a logo, although a plain jumper is also acceptable)
- Navy blue skirt or pinafore dress
- Dark grey (charcoal) trousers (girls’ trousers may be dark blue)
- White or grey socks
- Grey or blue tights
- Black school shoes or boots
- Long hair should be tied back (beyond the shoulder)
- Hair adornments are not considered appropriate
Summer Uniform
- Blue and white gingham dresses or grey shorts
Please Note: tracksuit bottoms, leggings and over the knee socks are not acceptable.
PE Kit
Indoor PE:
- Robert Sandilands logo navy blue and amber T shirts
- Navy shorts/skorts with bare feet
Outdoor PE:
- Robert Sandilands logo navy blue and amber rugby shirts (optional)
- Navy shorts/skorts
- Navy and amber rugby socks
- A Robert Sandilands logo hoodie or plain navy hooded top
- Navy tracksuit bottoms and/or leggings are also acceptable during the winter
From Year 3-6, the children go swimming to Northcroft, a one piece swimming suit or tight swimming shorts should be worn. A swimming hat will also be needed.
Hats are available from the school office for £2.50.
All jewellery must be removed before any physical activity.
Our logo school uniform is available at Skoolkit in Parkway, Newbury.
Robert Sandilands PE Hoodies are available to order from the school office, for £17.50
Most unbranded items are also available from supermarkets or other clothing retailers.
Please clearly mark all items of clothing and possessions with your child’s name.