Pupil Leaders
The House System
Robert Sandilands Primary and Nursery School operates a house system across the school.
Our four houses are named after castles: Berkeley (red), Donnington (green), Highclere (yellow) and Windsor (blue). The children earn team points for their house and compete in house competitions. The house with the most team points earns a non-uniform day every short term and the House Cup at the end of the year.
Each house has a Year 6 House Captain.
Sports Captains
As well as House Captains, the school also has Sports Captains. The Sports Captains help to raise the profile of Sport and assist with interhouse sporting events.
School Council of Robert Sandilands
The school also has a School Council; the School Council of Robert Sandilands or SCORS. It is led by a Chairperson from Year Six.
Children in Year One and Two have two representatives, Years Three, Four, Five and Six have one representative; these representatives are voted for democratically. They attend meetings, share views and opinions from their class and take forward ideas.
Reading Champions
The Reading Champions aim to uphold the school's desire for all to enjoy reading for pleasure. They help to organise the library and support younger children with their reading.
Eco Flag
The school has earned the Eco School flag. We have an Eco Leader from Year Six who motivates the other children in improving our school environment and to do more for the planet.
Meet Our 2024/2025 Pupil Leaders
Pupil Leaders (ID 1324)
Sport Captains
Sport Captains
House Captains
House Captains
School Council
School Council
Eco Leaders
Eco Leaders
Reading Champions
Reading Champions