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Robert Sandilands Primary School and Nursery

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School Sport News & Fixtures

Sport plays a big part of life at Robert Sandilands. We take part in regular sporting fixtures against other schools. Here you can see our upcoming fixtures, along with news on how we performed. 


 Upcoming Fixtures/Events

  • Thursday 13th March - Year 5/6 TAG Rugby Megafest
  • Monday 17th March - Year 3/4 Girls Football Tournament at Trinity
  • Monday 17th March - Year 1/2 Multiskills at Park House
  • Wednesday 10th March - KS1 Cricket
  • Tuesday 25th March - KS2 Cross Country Event
  • Tuesday 25th March - Year 5/6 Football Tournament

Teams to be announced.


Latest Events/Results

Inter House Cross Country - Thursday 27th February

We had our annual Interhouse Cross Country Event; this has quickly become a favourite in the RS calendar! All the children did a great job representing their houses and we were very lucky that the sun shone all afternoon. In the end, it was Windsor that won the Doug Cook Trophy and it was lovely that Doug himself could join us for the afternoon and present the trophy to the Sports and House Captain.

During the Cross Country Event, we held a cake sale to raise money for transport costs to sporting events. Thank you to all our staff who donated or made the cakes to sell and a big thank you to everyone who bought a cake or two. We raised an amazing £302; this will really help us with future transport requirements for the sport events we have planned.

Thank you to Mrs Burke, Mr. Gillard and Mr. Stevens for organising, setting up and running the event.

Lower Junior Football Tournament - Monday 24th February

Our Lower Junior boys played at the Park House Football Festival on the first day back at school. They competed against John Rankin, Francis Bailey and Hermitage. The boys played John Rankin first and conceded 2-1, they then played Francis Bailey and won 0-4 and for their last game, they played against Hermitage which was a 0-0 draw. Overall, they were runners-up in their league and were just one goal away from going through to the finals - it was so close! Well done, boys. Thank you to Mr. Sheppard and to Mr. Patten, who supported the boys and coached from the sidelines. 

 They are a great team and lots of positive comments about their playing from other PE leads. I am excited for when they join forces with the current Y5 boys!