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The school staff monitor and assess the children through observations of their activities and work in school all the time.  These observations are used to inform the teacher's planning and move the children's learning forward.  Also, other more formal assessments take place to make judgements about a pupil's reading, spelling and non-verbal reasoning abilities. 

In the first six weeks of Reception, the children will take part in the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA).  This is an activity based task that the teacher will carry out with each pupil on a one to one basis. 

At the end of Year One, the children's knowledge of Phonics is assessed.  Again, this is a task that the teacher will carry out with each pupil on a one to one basis. This is a statutory assessment which is repeated in Year Two for those pupils who have not met the standard in Year One.

In June of Year Four, the children complete the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).  This assessment is completed online and the class teacher will organise the children in a small group or individually depending on their needs. 

At the end of Key Stage Two, the children sit national standardised assessment tests (SATs); these are taken in May and are statutory. 

In the Summer Term, the teachers write an Annual Report for each child that summarises their performance in school.  This builds on face to face Parent Consultation Meetings in the Autumn and Spring Terms.

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